by David de Almeida Bezerra Júnior

See the part 1.

In this section, we will build the database and the registration screens.

Building the database

In The Database Manager MySQL (left sidebar), create the following tables with the following fields:

Table: customer

Column Type
id int not null primary key
name varchar(50) not null
address varchar(50)
phone varchar(14)
email varchar(50)

Table: product

Column Type
id int not null primary key
description varchar(50) not null
price decimal(9, 2) not null
amount decimal(9, 2)

Table: supplier

Column Type
id int not null primary key
name varchar(50) not null
address varchar(50)
phone varchar(14)
email varchar(50)

Table: incoming

Column Type
id int not null primary key
incoming_date date not null
incoming_time time not null
product_id int not null
amount decimal(9, 2) not null
supplier_id int not null

Table: sale_header

Column Type
id int not null primary key
sale_date date not null
sale_time time not null
customer_id int

Table: sale_detail

Column Type
id int not null primary key
sale_header_id int not null
product_id int not null
price decimal(9, 2) not null
amount decimal(9, 2) not null

Creating windows

Select the table customer and click the right mouse button in the column list. Select the Create window from entire table.

Choose Two in one and name the JDialogCustomer window. Do the same with the product and supplier tables, calling their windows JDialogProduct and JDialogSupplier.

Opening windows

Return to JFrameMain and click the menu item Customer. In the Events tab in the Object Inspector, make double-click the onclick event and add the function openWindow with parameter:

Do the same for the Menu item Product and Supplier, with their windows.

Save and Run the application, clicking on the Toolbar bottuns or typing CTRL + S and F9.

In the next section, we will build the Incoming window.

Go to part 3.

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